National affairs

Narendra Modi at the end of 2017 is still India’s neta no. 1 but his invincibility’s been dented

Three years ago in 2014, Narendra Modi was the technicolour TV spectacle, evoking awe. He was Hindu Hriday Samrat and Development Man rolled into one. He spearheaded an electoral blitzkrieg that flattened his opponents, stunned onlookers and gave birth to thousands of bhakts. The Modi fan club easily rivalled the adoring cults surrounding superstars Rajnikant or Amitabh Bachchan. Indians feel powerless in their daily lives and thus worship demonstrations of power. Modi embodied the powerful strongman, striding energetically on the national stage, arms akimbo, roaring, exhorting, telling jokes, even as an orchestra of ‘Modi! Modi!’rose up behind him wherever he went. With the ‘Gujarat Model’ under his belt, when he thundered, “Achhe Din are coming,” most voters believed him.

Yet today, at the end of 2017, the burden of high expectations threatens to weigh him down. His campaign rhetoric is becoming shriller and somewhat tinged with desperation, Modi the Prime Minister keeps reaching for the governance high ground, striking aspirational notes by promising bullet trains and riding on seaplanes, but Modi the politician barely reacts to Hindutva goons running amok and casting a malevolent shadow on his rule.

Three years ago he promised a New India. There would be a class revolution, a decimation of the old elite, an overthrow of the timid welfarist socialism of India’s official discourse. He was dyed in the wool RSS, but projected smart marketing, slick event management and business-oriented aggression. The Modi era would be an unapologetic Hindu nationalist, Hindi-speaking rumbustious glitzy show that would unleash the energies of the vernacular and the mofussil. Sharp-suited, upwardly mobile, provincial small towners — what Modi called the ‘neo middle class’– would, at last, get their due. Silver spoon clutching dynasts and cosmopolitan westernized folks would be swept into irrelevance. ‘They say Harvard, we say hard-work,’ Modi announced, even as Nobel Laureate and Harvard professor Amartya Sen was roundly attacked by the Modi bhakts, Raghuram Rajan left India’s shores and it became clear that the intellectual elite was no longer welcome on Raisina Hill. This was the era of the desi and Narendra Modi was the India First man. And if a recent Timesgroup poll is any indication, he is still Neta No.1, with more than 60 per cent saying they will vote for him again.

Yet postcards from New India these past three years have been chilling. Bloody attacks by cow-vigilantes, assaults on journalists, film-makers and even carol singers. An ageing Muslim farm labourer was lynched because vigilantes suspected he was hiding beef in his home. An axe murderer has hacked a Muslim to death. An inter-faith marriage is being probed by the terror-tracking National Investigation Agency. “Love Jihad” is being projected as the new threat to India, some are even calling for a downgrading of the Taj Mahal. Increasing RSS control over history writing is leading to the perpetuation of unhistorical ideology in place of history. School textbooks in Rajasthan proclaim Maharana Pratap and not Emperor Akbar is the victor of the 16th century Battle of Haldighati which students of history know as one in which the Mughal army led by Akbar’s Rajput commander Man Singh inflicted heavy losses on the Rana. While Modi pushes forward with promises of Vikas in a modern India, medieval ghouls are flourishing in his shadow.

India’s free-marketeers cheered Modi’s ascent, thrilling to a politician who was finally brave enough to openly speak about business and wealth creation, dreaming he would finally bury Nehruvian socialism and usher in Indian Thatcherism. But the economy in the Modi era is not a business-powered locomotive on full steam ahead. Growth rates have slowed badly and sectors ranging from IT to construction have been hit by waves of job losses. Stung by accusations that he’s working for the enrichment only of cronies and the ‘suit boot ki sarkar’ jibe, Modi has lurched to the left, veering sharply to now positioning himself as pro-poor welfarist, his face seen on billboards handing out supplies of cooking gas to rural home-makers.

His governance style is not marked by decentralisation, open-ness, delegating or designed to cut government control. Instead, it has revealed itself as centralized, authoritarian and even a tad remorseless. Demonetisation, the sudden announcement of stoppage of currency notes showed a blatant disregard for citizens lives — until today the Modi government has expressed no sorrow for the over hundred lives lost standing in interminable queues —, in the conviction that Big Brother knows best no matter what the cost. The drive for Aadhar number linkages has become a surveillance tool to hammer away at citizens privacy and force them into a state of perpetual guilt. Modi sarkar is Big Government, not a government that rolls back its writ and gets out of the way.

Endless government schemes of Start Up India or Make in India reveal a tendency towards a leviathan administration, a throwback to the Indira Gandhi model of a massive socialist central government giving birth to scheme upon scheme for social and economic engineering. What happened to making India safe for business? What happened to freeing Indian talents? A return to the income tax raid raj looks likely as the war on black money is turning out to be a purification ritual against wicked sinners, a witch hunt against Bad People rather than a systematic process to limit tax avoidance. As former Finance Minister P. Chidambaram points out, black money is not a devilish dance of Satan, its only money on which tax has not been paid, and requires rational systemic changes not moralistic hellfire-and-damnation crusades.

Across the land, rebelliousness is stirring. Social media, once the happy hunting ground of the Modi bhakts is now seeing derisive and often openly insulting satirical attacks; memes and Modi-taunting videos are going viral. In fact, the Gujarat elections have seen the rebirth of social media, as a platform of anti-Establishment and anti-Modi irreverence. Citizens once terrorized by death threats or threats of FIRs from voicing their opinions are slowly becoming unafraid.

Yet the PM remains India’s most adept politician. He kept up a scorching pace during the Gujarat election campaign, criss-crossing the state at speed, sporting different colours of turbans and shawls, campaigning more strenuously than any other prime minister has ever done for a state election. He’s a formidable and skillful campaigner and threw his heart and soul into securing a victory in Gujarat. Inspite of this, the BJP managed only a 99-seat victory, for which Modi had to work harder than any PM has ever done in a state election. Not even Indira Gandhi campaigned as hard in her tough J&K campaign in 1983. In Gujarat, the BJP clung to its urban bastions but the party slumped badly in rural Saurashtra and was even thrown out of Modi’s home constituency, Unjha.

Narendra Modi had sensed early on that the BJP was up against massive anti-incumbency. Hurtling from rally to rally the PM strained to make the election about himself and not about the state government’s record. Will you betray me, my fellow Gujaratis, his speeches seemed to implore, will you let down this son of Gujarat and Gujarati asmita? Mani Shankar Aiyar, that textbook old elite class enemy of the Modi revolution, provided the ballast the PM needed. “They call me a neech jaati and a neech man,” Modi thundered in Surat, responding to Aiyar calling him a ‘neech kisam ka aadmi.’

It was a personal tack he had already taken on the campaign trail. “The Congress and the Gandhi family hate Gujarat and Gujaratis,” he had earlier bellowed in Gandhinagar. In Lunawada he lashed out at an “anti Indian” Congress member Salman Nizami who, he said, had questioned his parentage. “Salman Nizami has asked Modi, who is your mother and who is your father,” he yelled. Being the lone outsider in a chakravuh of enemies has always been Modi’s chosen political pitch; the hated nemesis of the ‘Delhi sultanate’ is an image he adores.

Finally in Banaskatha, he topped off the hectic tour of Modi-campaigning-on-Modi by directing a high-decibel charge of treason on the dignified trio of the former Prime Minister, former Vice President and former army chief. It was the most atrocious blow of all and revealed a desperation, an echoing lack of campaign options, a readiness to hurl terrible insults only to win an electoral race. Did a popular leader like Modi need to sink so low? Can bridges be re-built with the Congress now, given that democracy after all is about arguments not personal quarrels.

Much before the nadir of the Manmohan-Singh-is-a-traitor moment in Banaskatha, his voice had already begun to break. He had begun to sound hoarse. As a hot afternoon sun beat down in Mehsana, his speech sounded disjointed, absent-minded, unlike himself, searching for words, as if preoccupied. On the last day of the campaign, the strain was visible. At a memorial ceremony of the Parliament attack, Modi stayed stiffly and coldly distant from opposition leaders. Even as his party colleagues congratulated Rahul Gandhi on his elevation as Congress President, the PM stood apart, grim, ill-at ease. He had unleashed the BJP’s only available brahmastra in Gujarat—himself. The brahmastra pulled the BJP back from the brink, but failed to deliver a bonanza. Winning an election for the 6th consecutive time is no mean achievement but Gujarat’s voters still gave the ruling party a bloody nose.

Nationally, the awe unleashed in 2014 has been replaced by shock from the series of broken promises. Shock has been replaced by fear and horror at the repeated blood-letting by Hindutva vigilantes. Now, fear has now been replaced by mocking sarcasm and jeers, the ultimate threat to any personality cult. Politicians who seek to transform themselves into gods and goddesses, need a constant supply of demons to slay, so their divine status is maintained and projected. Indira Gandhi invoked the foreign hand and the CIA as her chosen asura. Modi has now sought to create an enemy within, the Pakistan-leaning folk of the previous dispensation, with not only names like Aiyar and Singh, but also names like Hamid Ansari and Salman Nizami, dog whistles for Muslims of questionable patriotism.

A defeat of these manufactured enemies would mean a reaffirmation of godlike status, a vanquishing of the demon to emerge as the hero for devotees. After all, if political legitimacy begins to fade as it inevitably will if economic hardships increase, when jobs, livelihoods and personal freedoms are threatened, then as the Indira example shows, there’s a tendency to become even more authoritarian, even more dictatorial, to keep up the artificial aura of greatness and power. Once expectations are set on an astronomical track, ever more outlandish promises are needed to keep voters enthralled; the glittering circus wheel must keep spinning so the failure to meet earlier expectations are masked.

In the Timesgroup poll, a whopping 78 per cent gave a thumbs down to use of religious issues in election campaigns and a significant 43 per cent said their faith in the Modi government has been dented by lack of jobs. In a stunning revelation, an opinion poll by CSDS found that it was the Congress which was the party of choice among Gujaratis aged 18-25 years. Naturally rebellious youth will always revolt against heavy-handed authority and this year the youth wing of the BJP, the ABVP has suffered losses in student elections in Gauhati University, Hyderabad Central University, Delhi University, Rajasthan University in Jaipur even in the Central University in Gandhinagar. Students took the lead in protests against Indira Gandhi in 1974, today women students particularly are screaming out their defiance against the oppressive Hindutva paternalism of University administrations like the ones at Benares Hindu University which believes women students demanding their rights, “parade their modesty in the market.”

Questions are being asked: is the PM too much of a control freak centralizer to deliver growth? Is he a populist-nationalist who relies too much on big government schemes? If a slowing economy could wreak havoc on the Indira Gandhi ‘Abhinav Chandi Durga’ image in the early 1970s, what will it do to the cult of Modi? Is the PM unable to rein in the Hindutva mobs? Does he buy into the RSS mission of thought control? Are the youth deserting Modi?

Narendra Modi, the fierce eyed, high energy super-efficient pracharak has taken the RSS to the pinnacle of power. The chaperon of LK Advani’s Somnath rath yatra first became CEO of Gujarat and has now brought Hindutva into the citadel of New Delhi. He’s the most communicative prime minister India has ever seen, constantly reaching out on multi media platforms overhauling the way occupants of Race Course Road have traditionally communicated with people. This transformation in communicativeness has been Modi’s most significant contribution to the office of PM, as well as his boundless energy and capacity for ceaseless hard work and endeavour.

Yet today the TV, Facebook and Twitter star stands at the crossroads. He reinvented himself from Hindutva Hero to Development Man but now has back-pedalled and fallen back on shrill Hindutva rhetoric in an election campaign, his earlier stab at statesmanship taking a beating. He made ‘sabka saath, sabka vikas’ his motto, now accuses his political rivals of being traitors. He swore the Constitution was his holy book now stands accused of ignoring constitutional entities like the EC. He was once the vote catching magnet, today has managed only a marginal victory in his loyal home state where he put himself out as the main issue. Modi’s still India’s biggest political celebrity and its No.1 neta, but three years after his ascent to prime ministership, his invincibility is dented. Nobody, not even the government, talks of ‘Achhe Din’ anymore.


Source Sagarika Ghose write up TOI