National affairs

The BJP’s fake Nationalism is merely a means to power – Mitali Saran

The myth of ModiSickular Libtard Mitali Saran Mitali Saran, JUL 12 2020, 00:51 IST UPDATED: JUL 12 2020, 02:14 IST The BJP responded to Chinese aggression in Ladakh by fiercely asking Indians, “What about Nehru?” This loudly nationalist government was first silent; then denied it; then lied; then belatedly uninstalled TikTok; then said it was […]

National affairs

My aim is to resurrect the Party so that we can claim an ideological space in 2024 – Sanjay Jha

Home Website National 11 July 2020 Exclusive Interview Rahul Gandhi’s Coterie Can’t Differentiate Between Muzaffarpur And Muzaffarnagar: Sanjay Jha In an exclusive interview with Outlook, Sanjay Jha, senior Congress leader who was recently removed as party spokesperson, talks about what the Grand Old Party needs to do to revive itself to win the next general […]

National affairs

Why India needs the Congress & the Gandhi family?

SoundaryaLahari Why India Needs Congress and Gandhi Family Lahari Reddy Lahari Reddy People ask “what’s in a name?”. Well, if there isn’t any dissent then why bother correcting to get one’s pronunciation right? Somewhere it has an identity that is beyond prima facie. Some form of history or pride in the name. An expansive trip […]

National affairs

PM Cares Fund, Does the PM really care asks Dr. Shama Mohamed, Spokesperson, INC

There must be more transparency in use of PM CARES fund created to deal with pandemic PM CARES comes with a litany of problems. The most worrying part, however, is the fund has clearly not benefited the people who needed help. The fund may be called PM CARES, but does the PM really care? Written […]

National affairs

Idea of Congress Meeting of members with Sri.Sanjay Jha on Tuesday 30th June 2020

*The script of Sri.Sanjay Jha’s Zoom meeting with different chapters of the Idea of Congress on Tuesday 30th June 2020* Sanjay Jha : This what i wrote, let me repeat that… That a dramatic turnaround is needed because Congress is the only Bulwark, or crucial linchpin against the authoritarian juggernaut that is the current BJP […]

National affairs

Is the Congress Party heading towards political harakiri? Sanjay Jha. Congress Spokesperson.

  Congressmen watching silently as party hurtles towards political obsolescenceJune 7, 2020, 5:00 AM IST Sanjay Jha in TOI Edit Page | India, politics | TOI I write this while convalescing from the coronavirus infection. Home quarantine gives you substantial time for introspection and makes things crystal clear. The last time my colleague and friend […]

National affairs

Is the SG trying to pit the Supreme Court against the High Courts. Editorial in Indian Express.

The Indian Express Mr Mehta’s lecture Solicitor General’s hectoring and bullying need to be called out — by the court too. That’s judicial independence By: Editorial |Indian Express Updated: May 30, 2020 8:10:15 am There is a question, too, for the Supreme Court. The SG’s outburst draws attention to the SC’s silence. Solicitor General Tushar […]

National affairs

Will this PM give priority to the people & to the economy asks Prof Rajeev Gowda MP.

One year of Modi 2.0: It’s seen extraordinary economic and political crises. Covid only exposed the glaring gaps May 29, 2020, 2:25 AM IST M V Rajeev Gowda in TOI Edit Page | Edit Page, India | TOI Emperor Ashoka transformed from a conqueror to the champion of justice after the devastation during the Battle […]

National affairs

The BJP Govt thrives on sudden dramatic moves without planning, says TMC’s Derek O’Brien.

Derek O’Brien MAY 19, 2020 00:15 IST UPDATED: MAY 19, 2020 07:46 IST The BJP government at the Centre owes the country many answers on its handling of the pandemic As it moves from a stringent nationwide lockdown to disaggregated and differentiated lockdowns, India has much to think about. It is coming out of a […]

National affairs

Time to seek forgiveness from migrants – Sagarika Ghose

‘Time to seek forgiveness of Jamlo Makdam and millions of others.. We have failed you…’ Sagarika Ghose writes an open letter from ‘us’ to ‘them’ ..