National National affairs

Who delivered the Real Acche Din?? Comparison UPA vs. NDA

Here is detailed and extensive comparison of the performance Modi Govt vs UPA govt. data used is mostly from Govt sources or annual reports etc.

The data is compared using annual growth rates and per year data which is a fair tool to assess the performance of two govts with different tenures.

Before reading this remember UPA was coalition govt while Modi was a majority govt.

1) GDP – During UPA (2004-14) grew about 8.1% as per the new series while it grew 7.3% during Modi govt (2014-18) . It was during UPA govt in 2013, India became 3rd Largest economy in the world in terms of PPP.

The report was available here but the Modi has deleted it now to hide the data.

Anyway it was downloaded and uploaded here page no 145 –

For detailed year-wise GDP find previous post here.

2) Exports – During 10 years of UPA Exports grew 17.24% annually while during Modi govt Exports growth has fallen with negative 0.81% growth in last 5 years.

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3) Foreign Direct Investment – FDI – Probably you’d have heard about this very often from BJP saying due to Modi our FDI has increased significantly but the truth is different.

During UPA, FDI grew about 23.68% each year while during Modi govt it grew just 11.51%. From $4.3 billion FDI in 2003-04, it increased to about $36 billion in 2013-14 which has now at $62.5 billion in 2018-19 (est)

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4) IIP – Index of Industrial Production – The Index of Industrial Production (IIP) is a composite indicator that measures the changes in the volume of production of a basket of industrial products during a given period with respect to the volume of production. The average annual growth rate during UPA govt was 7.3%. While during Modi govt it is 4.45%

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5) Foreign Exchange Reserves – FER increased about 10.3% annually during UPA govt while has comedown to 5.6% annually during 5 years of Modi govt.

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6) Sensex – Sensex Index grew about 18.36% CAGR during 10 years of UPA while has come down to 9.63% in last 5 years of Modi govt.

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7) Dollar vs Rupee – During UPA govt, Dollar grew by 2.59 % annually vs 3.42% during Modi govt.

8- No of Villages Electrified – During 10 years of UPA, 108,280 villages were electrified while the remaining villages of 18600 were electrified during 4 years of Modi govt.

Source – Page 4

9) Free Electricity Connections to BPL Households – During 10 years of UPA govt, 2.16 crore electricity connections were given which comes around 21.68 lakh per year. While during 4 years of Modi govt 88.26 Lakh connections were given which comes to 22.06 lakh per year. The rate of connections given is almost the same.

Source – Page 4

10) No of Rural Houses Built – Modi govt is always boasting about building 1+ crore house in his election speeches everywhere and says Congress didn’t do anything. But anyway, here is the truth

During 2008-13, 5 years of UPA govt as per audited CAG report UPA govt under Indira Gandhi Awas Yojana built 1.28 crores houses while during last 5 years of Modi govt under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana, 1.01 crore houses were built

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11) Income Tax Growth Rate – BJP and Modi have always been spreading fake information about Income tax growing with demonetization. Here is the truth.

Income Tax collections grew 19.36% during 10 years of UPA govt while has come down to 14.67% during first 4 years of Modi govt.

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12) Corporate Tax Growth – Corporate Tax collections can indicate the financial performance of the companies. If the companies are performing very good they will be profitable which will help govt get more tax. So, during UPA govt the Corporate Tax grew 20.03% annually while during Modi govt it came down to 9.68%

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13) Free LPG Connections to BPL Families – Probably this is one of the most talked about achievement of Modi govt. Wherever he goes he tell how his govt has given some crores of free LPG connections to BPL families. So what’s the facts and truth.

In 2009, UPA govt came up a Vision 2015 which has targeted achieving LPG coverage rate from 50% in 2009 to 70% by 2015 and came up with a scheme called RGGLVY – Rajiv Gandhi Gramin Vitran Yojana which provided free LPG connections to BPL families. So as of Oct 2014, 6.69 crore new connections were given under RGGLVY raising the LPG Coverage to 66.5% as of Oct 2014.

After Modi came to power, he stopped RGGLVY scheme and renamed it as PMUY – Pradhan Mantri Ujwala Yojana in 2016 with an aim to distribute 5 crore new LPG Connections to BPL families in 3 years. As of Feb 2018 3.38 connections were given as per official data available

During last 5 years of UPA govt, the LPG Coverage increased from 50% in 2009 to 66.5% in 2014 while giving about 6.5 crore new LPG Connections to BPL Families. During Modi govt, 3.38 crore connections were given till feb 2018. So Modi just continued the scheme of UPA govt by renaming it and the no of connections given were also the same if you compare by pro-rata basis.

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14) Direct Benefit Transfer or DBT of Subsidy – Modi Govt has been boasting about starting this DBT scheme by linking bank accounts to Aadhar and directly crediting the subsidy amount into the consumers accounts. But the fact is it was initiated by UPA govt in June 2013 as a pilot project in 18 districts. By Jan 2014 the DBT scheme was expanded to 291 districts and had distributed DBT in 2.8 crore LPG Consumers. After Modi came to power he just continued the project but claims he started it.

Source – Page no 76 –

15) Removal of Ghost or Duplicate accounts – The process to remove to duplicate or ghost accounts which were talking multiple subsidies using different account was started by UPA govt in 2013 by linking Aadhaar card. Before 2014, they had already identified and removed duplicate connections of 87 lakh customers with annual savings of 2870 crores. After coming to power Modi govt just continued this process but claimed he started it.
Source – Page no 76 –

16) Construction of Rural Roads – Rural roads are constructed under Pradhan Mantri Gramin Sadak Yojana. The data is available from 2005 to 2017. From 2005-14, UPA govt constructed 3,32,935 Kms of rural roads which comes to 36,992 Kms per year and 101.3 Kms per day. While between 2014-17, Modi govt constructed 1,20,136 Kms of rural roads which comes to 40,045 Kms per year and 109.7 Kms per day. The rate of construction of rural roads has increased from 101.3 Kms during UPA to 109.7 Kms per day in Modi govt which is not a significant growth.

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17) Foreign Tourism – No of Foreign Tourist Arrivals in India was 27.26 Lakhs in 2003-04 which went up to 69.67 Lakhs in 2013-14 and is 100.18 lakhs in 2017-18. During 10 years of UPA govt, the annual growth rate of foreign tourists was 9.84% while during 4 years of Modi it is 9.5%.

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18) Terrorist Attacks in J&K – From 1000+ terrorists attacks before 2008, the attacks were contained to 222 in 2013-14 which again has increased to 614 attacks in 2018. Between 2014 and 2018, the number of civilians killed in Jammu & Kashmir has risen by 35.71 per cent; number of security persons killed has increased by 93 per cent;

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19) No of Soldiers Killed
Look at the number of soldiers killed in last 10 years.
2005 – 342
2006 – 223
2007 – 221
2008 – 71
2009 – 107
2010 – 187
2011 – 71
2012 – 75
2013 – 64
2014 – 65
2015 – 85
2016 – 86
2017 – 91
2018 – 100+
From 342 soldiers killed in 2005 the number came down drastically to 64 in 2013 and again increased to 100+ soldiers being killed in 2018 and we have already lost 90 soldiers in 2019 alone.

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20) Youth Joining Militancy in J&K – Kashmir was peaceful during UPA govt now the peace is gone and youth joining militancy has increased from 16 people in 2013 to 191 in 2018.
2010 – 54
2011 – 23
2012 – 21
2013- 16
2014 – 53
2015 – 66
2016 – 88
2017 – 126
2018 – 191
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21) Unemployment – Unemployment in India is at record 45 years High.
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22) Worst Country for Women – India is ranked the most dangerous country for women. Crimes has against women has increased by 83% while the conviction rate is at decade low.

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23) New Investments in India at 14 year low

24) Hunger Index – India is ranked at 103rd position out of 119 countries

25) Indian Debt – From 54.9 lakh crores in 2014 , our Indian debt has increased to 82 lakh crores about 50% in just last 5 years.

Modi govt has hardly done anything even when he has a majority govt. He had benefits of low crude oil prices which saved his govt $150 billion which in effect helped maintain low inflation rate but nothing substantial was done compared to UPA govt.